What can I expect at my first appointment?
Your first appointment at our office is called a new patient consult. This appointment typically takes about 1 hour. At this appointment, we will start by taking our records, which consist of photos, scanned digital models, and any necessary x-rays. Following that, Dr. Wurm will do a thorough examination of your mouth. Problem areas will be identified and we will discuss our treatment plan designed for you. At the new patient consult, the following questions will be addressed:
Is treatment indicated at this time?
Should we wait on more growth and development?
What treatment procedures might be used to straighten your teeth?
Do any teeth need extraction to accomplish our goals?
How long will treatment take?
How much will treatment cost?
What are your payment options?
If orthodontic treatment is indicated at this time, we will proceed with scheduling the next appointment to start your treatment.
If you're not ready for treatment, you will be placed on recall and seen after six or 12 months of additional growth. This may occur if we deem it necessary to wait on more growth and development and the loss of more primary teeth.